Post image for Outside in World featuring an illustration of a person holding up a rack of weights except the weights are replaced by thick books.

Outside in World

Started in 2007, this UK nonprofit is an essential resource for anyone interested in global children’s books, particularly translations. It concentrates on books published in translation in the UK. The site includes sections for teachers and librarians; publishers and translators; and parents. It also offers an interactive section for children themselves as well as an online international illustration gallery. Perhaps the most valuable part of the site is the database of international children’s books with 2,000+ detailed entries; OIW’s physical collection is housed at the University of Portsmouth Library. Among other activities, it runs a series of free webinars on children’s books in translation in partnership with the Centre for Book Cultures and Publishing at Reading University. If you can’t get to a webinar (they now offer them in hybrid form, with in person and online attendance) you can watch the archived recordings. [ayg]

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