Post image for Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature featuring the journal's title logo with the word 'Bookbird' in large outlined type with a crow on top of it to the right and a black emblem to the left with a graphic of a tree in white inside of it with the text "Jacarandá Editoras".

A Journal of International Children’s Literature

A refereed journal published quarterly by the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) (See the Hub: Organizations.) Features articles on international children’s literature, IBBY awards and other children’s literature awards, theme issues, and updates on IBBY reading promotion projects. Watch especially for the biennial Hans Christian Andersen Award nominees issue: the one-page overview of each nominated author and illustrator is an excellent introduction to creators whose work is widely admired in their home countries and deserves to be better known internationally. See also the journal’s Facebook page. [ayg]

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