Africa South of the Sahara
Central African Republic

The Magic Doll: A Children's Book Inspired by African Art
By Yabouza Adrienne, Paul Kelly (Translator), Élodie Nouhen (Illustrator)
The Magic Doll: A Children’s Book Inspired by African Art. Yabouza Adrienne. Translated by Paul Kelly. Illustrated by Élodie Nouhen. Prestel Junior, 2020. Originally published as Une Poupée pour Maman in French by L’Élan Vert, in France, in 2019. ISBN 9783791374468. 32p. (Ages 4-9). Picture book.
Set in a small West African village, this book features a young girl who explains the special way she was born. She introduces the Akua-Ba fertility figures of the Akan people of Ghana, which are used by women who have difficulty getting pregnant. The story highlights the strong love mothers have for their children. Illustrations suggest traditional African art. A 2021 USBBY Outstanding International Books List selection. [gd]