Tag: Historical Fantasy


Cover for The Secret of the Blue Glass featuring an illustration of a small boy sitting on a book looking at a large graphic of a blue glass with flourishes indicating it is shining. The background is green.

The Secret of the Blue Glass

By Tomiko Inui, Ginny Tapley Takemori (Translator)

The Secret of the Blue Glass. Tomiko Inui. Translated by Ginny Tapley Takemori. Pushkin Children’s Books, 2018. Originally published as 木かげの家の小人たち (Kokage no Ie no Kobitotachi) in Japanese by Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Inc., in Tokyo, in 1967. ISBN 9781782691846. 192 p. (Ages 10-14). Fiction.

From the publisher: “A classic story about a magical miniature family’s adventures in wartime Japan.” A 2019 GLLI Translated YA Book Prize shortlisted title; 2017 Marsh Award for Children’s Literature in Translation (UK). Author won several awards in Japan, including the Mainichi Publishing Culture Award and was a runner-up for the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 1964. [all]

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