Tag: Uruguay


The World's Poorest President Speaks Out

By Yoshimi Kusaba (Editor), Andrew Wong (Translator), Gaku Nakagawa (Illustrator)

The World’s Poorest President Speaks Out. Edited by Yoshimi Kusaba. Translated by Andrew Wong. Illustrated by Gaku Nakagawa. Enchanted Lions Books, 2020. Originally published as 世界でいちばん貧しい大統領のスピーチ (Sekai De Ichiban Mazushi Daitoryo No Speech) in Japanese by Choubunsha Publishing, Co. Ltd., in Tokyo, in 2014. ISBN 9781592702893. 40 p. (Ages 5-10). Picture book.

Based on Uruguay president José Mujica's 2012 speech to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. Thought-provoking and a good introduction to discussions on poverty, social justice, and having enough. Worlds of Words recommended book, April 2021. [all]

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