Tag: Anthologies

Latin America

Cover for The Sea-Ringed World featuring an illustration of four whales with human-like faces with white flourishes emerging from their face back towards their tales. The water around them is a textured blue and black and along the left side of the cover is a rainbow border that appears to be woven and photo-realistic.

The Sea-Ringed World: Sacred Stories of the Americas

María García Esperón

David Bowles (Translator)

Amanda Mijangos (Illustrator)

The Sea-Ringed World: Sacred Stories of the Americas. María García Esperón. Translated by David Bowles. Illustrated by Amanda Mijangos. Levine Querido, 2021. Originally published as Diccionario de mitos de América by Ediciones El Naranjo, Mexico City, Mexico, in 2018. ISBN 9781646140152. 240 p. (Ages 8-14). Nonfiction.

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