Tag: Art and Artists

Africa South of the Sahara

Central African Republic
Cover for The Magic Doll: A Children's Book Inspired by African Art featuring a stylized illustration and collage of a young girl in a white dress with a citrus tree above and behind her. There is a doll made of wood and two chicken-like animals immediately in the background. The cover is mostly green and the title is displayed in black with patterned letters.

The Magic Doll: A Children's Book Inspired by African Art

Yabouza Adrienne

Paul Kelly (Translator)

Élodie Nouhen (Illustrator)

The Magic Doll: A Children’s Book Inspired by African Art. Yabouza Adrienne. Translated by Paul Kelly. Illustrated by Élodie Nouhen. Prestel Junior, 2020. Originally published as Une Poupée pour Maman in French by L’Élan Vert, in France, in 2019. ISBN 9783791374468. 32p. (Ages 4-9). Picture book.


Cover of Dadaji's Painbrush featuring an illustration of a gentle looking grandfather with a paintbrush in his hands painting next to a small child who is doing a finger painting next to him. There is a stack of canvases behind them and foliage peaking out from the cover's edges. The background is a muted beige and the title is displayed in bright teal and orange.

Dadaji's Paintbrush

Rashmi Sirdeshpande

Ruchi Mhasane (Illustrator)

Dadaji’s Paintbrush. Rashmi Sirdeshpande. Illustrated by Ruchi Mhasane. Levine Querido, 2022. Originally published in the UK by Andersen Press. ISBN 9781646141722. 32 p. (Ages 4-8). Picture book.

Cover for We Are the Dancing Forest featuring a collage-like illustration of a blue polka dotted elephant with a tree coming out of it's trunk running up a purple hill to the left surrounded by birds with a person on top of it while another person chases from behind. The background is white and the title is displayed in bright red and curves along the back of the elephant. The remaining text is displayed in bright green.

We are the Dancing Forest

Raj Shekhar

Devashish Makhija (Translator)

Venkat Shyam (Illustrator)

We Are the Dancing Forest. Raj Shekhar. Translated by Devashish Makhija. Illustrated by Venkat Shyam. Tulika Books, 2022. Originally published as Hum Jangal Ke Jagar Magar in Hindi by Tulika Books, in Chennai, in 2022. ISBN 9789390834716. 24 p. (Ages 5 and up). Picture book.

The Middle East & North Africa

Cover of Sitti's Bird: A Gaza Story featuring an illustration of a girl with rosy stylized cheeks and birds above her with cards in their mouths on a dark and starry blue purple background.

Sitti's Bird: A Gaza Story

Malak Mattar

Sitti’s Bird: A Gaza Story. Malak Mattar. Translated by Interlink staff. Crocodile Books, 2022. ISBN 9781623718251. 32 p. (Ages 4-8). Picture book.

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