Tag: Change

Latin America

Cover for As Time Went By featuring an illustration of a ship either approaching or leaving a dock with people on the ship and people and buildings on the shore. The background is white and the clouds and smoke from the ship are red. There are red accents and a greenish brown color story in the shore's cityscape.

As Time Went By

José Sanabria

Audrey Hall (Translator)

As Time Went By. José Sanabria. Translated by Audrey Hall. NorthSouth Books, 2016. Originally published as Con el paso del tiempo in Spanish by Comunic-Arte, in Argentina, in 2015, but actually first appeared as Wie die Zeit vergeht in German, in Switzerland, a translation by Gabriela Stöckli of the original Spanish text. ISBN 9780735842489. 48 p. (Ages 4-8). Picture book.

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