Tag: Distances

Latin America

Cover of 9 Kilometers featuring an illustration of a young boy wearing a backpack walking down a dirt road with foliage lining it facing towards the viewer.

9 Kilometers

By Claudio Aguilera, Lawrence Schimel (Translator), Gabriela Lyon (Illustrator)

9 Kilometers. Claudio Aguilera. Translated by Lawrence Schimel. Illustrated by Gabriela Lyon. Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2023. Originally published as 9 kilómetros in Spanish by Ediciones Ekaré Sur, Santiago, Chile, in 2020. ISBN 9780802856005. 56 p. (Ages 5-9). Picture book.

A 10-year-old boy enjoys his 5.5 mile walk home from school through Chilean rain forests and mountains. A White Ravens selection and children’s category winner of the Chilean Ministry of Culture's Marta Brunet Award. [jm]

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