Tag: First Published - Lebanon

The Middle East & North Africa

Cover for Ghady and Rawan featuring photos of two distinct city skylines, one with more urban architecture and the other with more decorative architecture, along the top and bottom borders of the cover with the top photo inverted. The middle of the cover is blue mimicking the sky.

Ghady & Rawan

Fatimma Sharafeddine and Samar Mahfouz Barraj

Sawad Hussain and M. Lynx Qualey (Translators)

Ghady & Rawan. Fatima Sharafeddine and Samar Mahfouz Barraj. Translated by Sawad Hussain and M. Lynx Qualey. University of Texas Press, 2019. Originally published as غدي وروان in Arabic by دار الساقي in Beirut, in 2013. ISBN 1477318526. 134 p. (Ages 12-14). Fiction.

Cover for Stories from the Life of Prophet Muhammad featuring a more child-like hand drawn illustration of animals, characters, and settings including elephants, camels, people, and buildings emerging from behind a stylized column with what looks like palm tree fronds at the top. A sun illustration sits at the top of the cover halfway off the page and the background for the whole cover is bright red.

Stories from the Life of Prophet Muhammad

Nahiba Mheidly

Maha Alhusseini (Translator)

Louijaina al Aseel (Illustrator)

Stories from the Life of Prophet Muhammad. Nahiba Mheidly. Translated by Maha Alhusseini. Illustrated by Loujaina Al Aseel. Dar Alhadaek, 2021. ISBN 6144392661. 72 p. (Ages 7-12). Nonfiction.

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