Tag: Girls

Africa South of the Sahara

South Africa
Cover for Here Comes Lolo featuring an illustration of a young girl in jeans, blue sneakers, and a pink floral t-shirt with white flowers on it with a car, house and clouds in the background. The cover's background is orange and the word "Lolo" in the title is displayed in large letters with each letter featuring a different colorful pattern. There is a border of yellow graphic flourishes along the top and bottom of the cover.

Here Comes Lolo

Niki Daly

Here Comes Lolo. Niki Daly. Catalyst Press, 2020. Originally published by Otter-Barry Books, in Great Britain, in 2019. ISBN 9781946395337. 78 p. (Ages 4-9). Fiction.


Cover for Girls Want Azadi featuring an illustration of six kids who are all singing or smiling with one holding a tambourine and one with their eyes close and arm outstretched. Three of the kids are holding a colorful quilted yellow blanket with the author and translator information in the center. The cover's background is light teal and there is a darker blue border along the left side of the book.

Girls Want Azadi

Kamla Bhasin

Shrujana Shridhar (Illustrator)

Girls Want Azadi. Kamla Bhasin. Translated by the author. Illustrated by Shrujana Shridhar. Pratham Books, 2021. Alternative title: Girls Also Want Azadi. Originally published in Hindi, in India. ISBN 9789390968756. 22 p. (Ages 9 and up). Poetry.


Cover of Wave featuring an illustration of a young girl on the shore of a wavy beach with seagulls in the sky on a white background.


Suzy Lee

Wave. Suzy Lee. Chronicle Books, 2008. Originally published in Korean. ISBN 9780811859240. 44p. (Ages 1-99). Picture book.

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