Tag: Illustrators - Germany


Cover for A Tangle of Brungles featuring an illustration of a witch-like woman with grey hair reading a book behind a cauldron on top of a fireplace while she is surrounded by animals from crows to snakes to wolves along the perimeter of the cover seemingly without her noticing. The background of the cover is a muted yellow and the colors in general have a slimy greenish hue.

A Tangle of Brungles

Shobha Viswanath

Culpeo S. Fox (Illustrator)

A Tangle of Brungles. Shobha Viswanath. Illustrated by Culpeo S. Fox. Karadi Tales Picturebooks, 2018. First published in Chennai, in 2018. ISBN 9788181903600. 40 p. (Ages 7-9). Picture book.

China & Taiwan

Cover of Grandma Lives in a Perfume Village featuring an illustration of a small child sitting at a table near a window with trinkets on the sill on a chair with a backpack slung over the back. The illustration is in a green frame and surrounded by a pattern of green clovers.

Grandma Lives in a Perfume Village

Fang Suzhen

Huang Xiumin (Translator)

Sonja Danowski

Grandma Lives in a Perfume Village. Fang Suzhen. Translated by Huang Xiumin. Illustrated by Sonja Danowski. NorthSouth Books, 2015. Originally published in China by China Children’s Press and Publication Group. ISBN 9780735842168. 48 p. (Ages 4-8). Picture book.

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