Tag: Illustrators - Mexico

Latin America

Cover of The Young Teacher and the Great Serpent featuring an illustration of a large forest along a shore that is stylized and drawn in bright blue, teal, green, orange, and brown colors. A woman approaches the forest and a ways away a woman and a child play near the water.

The Young Teacher and the Great Serpent

Irene Vasco

Lawrence Schimel (Translator)

Juan Palomino (Illustrator)

The Young Teacher and the Great Serpent. Irene Vasco. Translated by Lawrence Schimel. Illustrated by Juan Palomino. Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2023. Originally published as La joven maestra y la gran serpiente in Spanish by Editorial Juventud, Barcelona, in 2019. ISBN 9780802856173. 40 p. (Ages 5-9). Picture book.

Cover for Sheep Count Flowers featuring a drawing that seems to have been made by a child of flowers and a sheep made up of marker dots with yellow stars and yellow fishes in the sky. An adult seems to have added to the illustration with a more advanced drawing of a kid sitting on a green paint stroke looking up and pointing at the sky with his arm and legs made up of marker and his face drawn in ink with another child walking towards him from behind a flower with legs also drawn with marker and a face drawn in ink. The background is beige and the title is purple.

Sheep Count Flowers

Micaela Chirif

Arthur A. Levine (Translator)

Amanda Mijangos (Illustrator)

Sheep Count Flowers. Micaela Chirif. Translated by Arthur A. Levine. Illustrated by Amanda Mijangos. Levine Querido, 2021. Originally published as Las Ovejas by Limonero, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2020. ISBN 9781646141197. 40 p. (Ages 4-7). Picture book.

El Salvador
Cover for Guacamole featuring an illustration of an avocado with a window with a bird perched on it in the avocado with three children looking out of it. There are limes and a bowl with a red floral pattern filled with cilantro next to the avocado on a table with a red picnic tablecloth on it. The illustration os surrounded by a circled frame with two pieces of tape appearing to adjoin it to the cover which is a gradient of teal hues. There is a dark green line bordering the entire cover outside of those elements.

Guacamole: A Cooking Poem

Jorge Argueta

Elisa Amado

Margarita Sada (Illustrator)

Guacamole: Un poema para cocinar /A Cooking Poem (Bilingual Cooking Poems). Jorge Argueta. Translated from the Spanish by Elisa Amado. Illustrated by Margarita Sada. Groundwood Books/Libros Tigrillo/House of Anansi Press, 2016, c2012. ISBN 9781554988884. 32 p. (Ages 5-8). Poetry.

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