Tag: Illustrators - Palestine

The Middle East & North Africa

Cover of Sitti's Bird: A Gaza Story featuring an illustration of a girl with rosy stylized cheeks and birds above her with cards in their mouths on a dark and starry blue purple background.

Sitti's Bird: A Gaza Story

By Malak Mattar

Sitti’s Bird: A Gaza Story. Malak Mattar. Translated by Interlink staff. Crocodile Books, 2022. ISBN 9781623718251. 32 p. (Ages 4-8). Picture book.

Malak loved her life in Gaza, watching the fish in the sea, seeing her friends at school and feeding her grandmother's bird. When she questions if her family is trapped like the bird, her grandmother advises her to escape the confines of her life in her imagination. While sheltering during the 2014 bombings in Gaza, Malak heeds this advice and finds strength through painting. This book provides an entry point to discussion of life in Gaza or of war with children. The book is based on the experiences of its now teenage artist/author who grew up and lives in Gaza. Mattar's work has been exhibited around the world. [ea]

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