Tag: Mothers and Daughters


Cover for A Saree for Ammi featuring an illustration of a woman and her child where the woman is making a textile using a loom while her daughter looks on. There are colorful patterned textiles in the background and the cover's background is an orangey brown.

A Saree for Ammi

Mamta Nainy

Sandhya Prabhat (Illustrator)

A Saree for Ammi. Mamta Nainy. Illustrated by Sandhya Prabhat. Tulika Books, 2019. First published in Chennai, in 2019. A Sari for Ammi, a revised edition of this book published by Amazon Crossing Kids in 2021, is also available. ISBN 9789389203608. 28 p. (Ages 5 and up). Picture book.

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