Tag: Series Title - Chirri and Chirra


Cover of Chirri & Chirra featuring an illustration of two children biking through foliage and flowers.

Chirri & Chirra

By Kaya Doi, Yuki Kaneko (Translator)

Chirri & Chirra. Kaya Doi. Translated by Yuki Kaneko. Enchanted Lion Books, 2016. Originally published as チリとチリリ (Chiri to Chiriri) in Japanese in 2003. ISBN 9781592701995. 40 p. (Ages 3-8). Picture book.

A gentle and sweet story about identical girls who ride their bikes and have fantastical adventures along the way. The first book in an easy-to-read series with charming colored pencil drawings. Author and series are well-known in Japan, and the series has earned many starred reviews and “best of year” awards. [all]

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