Tag: Siblings

Latin America

Cover for Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War featuring an illustration of a young girl in a school unfirom with a bucket at her feet appearing to be cleaning a chalkboard. There is a yellow border along the left side of the cover and the title appears to be written in chalk.

Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War

Mónica Montañés

Lawrence Schimel

Eva Sánchez Gómez (Illustrator)

Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War. Mónica Montañés. Translated by Lawrence Schimel. Illustrated by Eva Sánchez Gómez. Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2022. Originally published as Los distintos by Ediciones Ekaré in Barcelona, Spain, in 2020. ISBN 9780802855985. 88 p. (Ages 9-14). Fiction.

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