Tag: Translations - Spanish

Latin America

Cover for As Time Went By featuring an illustration of a ship either approaching or leaving a dock with people on the ship and people and buildings on the shore. The background is white and the clouds and smoke from the ship are red. There are red accents and a greenish brown color story in the shore's cityscape.

As Time Went By

José Sanabria

Audrey Hall (Translator)

As Time Went By. José Sanabria. Translated by Audrey Hall. NorthSouth Books, 2016. Originally published as Con el paso del tiempo in Spanish by Comunic-Arte, in Argentina, in 2015, but actually first appeared as Wie die Zeit vergeht in German, in Switzerland, a translation by Gabriela Stöckli of the original Spanish text. ISBN 9780735842489. 48 p. (Ages 4-8). Picture book.

Cover of The Young Teacher and the Great Serpent featuring an illustration of a large forest along a shore that is stylized and drawn in bright blue, teal, green, orange, and brown colors. A woman approaches the forest and a ways away a woman and a child play near the water.

The Young Teacher and the Great Serpent

Irene Vasco

Lawrence Schimel (Translator)

Juan Palomino (Illustrator)

The Young Teacher and the Great Serpent. Irene Vasco. Translated by Lawrence Schimel. Illustrated by Juan Palomino. Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2023. Originally published as La joven maestra y la gran serpiente in Spanish by Editorial Juventud, Barcelona, in 2019. ISBN 9780802856173. 40 p. (Ages 5-9). Picture book.

Cover of The Beach featuring an illustration of three people in swimsuits from the chest down with one person in the foreground and two in the background.

The Beach

Sol Undurraga

Kit Mod (Translator)

The Beach. Sol Undurraga. Translated by Kit Maude. Tapioca Stories, 2022. Originally published as La playa in Spanish by Saposcat, Santiago, Chile, in 2019, but actually first appeared as La plage in French by l’Agrume, in Paris, France, in 2017, likely a translation of the original Spanish text. ISBN 9781734783940. 32 p. (Ages 6-9). Picture book.

Cover of 9 Kilometers featuring an illustration of a young boy wearing a backpack walking down a dirt road with foliage lining it facing towards the viewer.

9 Kilometers

Claudio Aguilera

Lawrence Schimel (Translator)

Gabriela Lyon (Illustrator)

9 Kilometers. Claudio Aguilera. Translated by Lawrence Schimel. Illustrated by Gabriela Lyon. Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2023. Originally published as 9 kilómetros in Spanish by Ediciones Ekaré Sur, Santiago, Chile, in 2020. ISBN 9780802856005. 56 p. (Ages 5-9). Picture book.

Cover for Book of Questions featuring an illustration of a large spiral seashell with water, ships, and animals including rabbits and fish flowing out of it. It appears to be floating in space and there are decorative red lines radiating out of the center of the cover. The book's title and authors are displayed in green and alternate between being filled our just outlined.

Book of Questions

Pablo Neruda

Sara Lissa Paulson (Translator)

Paloma Valdivia (Illustrator)

Book of Questions: Selections/Libro de las preguntas: Selecciones. Pablo Neruda. Translated by Sara Lissa Paulson. Illustrated by Paloma Valdivia. Enchanted Lion Books, 2022. Originally published as Libro de las preguntas in Spanish by Editorial Losada, Buenos Aires, in 1974. ISBN 9781592703227. 80 p. (Ages 6 and up). Poetry.

Cover for Daytime Visions featuring an illustration of a brown bird with a beige-orange crown on its head feeding a beige-orange nest of baby birds. The branch they are sitting on is just an outline while the birds themselves are filled in. The background is white and the title is displayed in a light blue banner.

Daytime Visions: An Alphabet


Elisa Amato and Isol (Translators)

Daytime Visions: An Alphabet. Isol. Adapted into English by Isol and Elisa Amado. Enchanted Lion Books, 2016. Originally published as Abecedario a mano in Spanish by Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, in 2015. ISBN 9781592701957. 56 p. (Ages 3-8). Picture book.

Cover for Sheep Count Flowers featuring a drawing that seems to have been made by a child of flowers and a sheep made up of marker dots with yellow stars and yellow fishes in the sky. An adult seems to have added to the illustration with a more advanced drawing of a kid sitting on a green paint stroke looking up and pointing at the sky with his arm and legs made up of marker and his face drawn in ink with another child walking towards him from behind a flower with legs also drawn with marker and a face drawn in ink. The background is beige and the title is purple.

Sheep Count Flowers

Micaela Chirif

Arthur A. Levine (Translator)

Amanda Mijangos (Illustrator)

Sheep Count Flowers. Micaela Chirif. Translated by Arthur A. Levine. Illustrated by Amanda Mijangos. Levine Querido, 2021. Originally published as Las Ovejas by Limonero, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2020. ISBN 9781646141197. 40 p. (Ages 4-7). Picture book.

Cover for Jungle Tales featuring an overlapping illustration of a jungle using green and yellow textured elements with several animals peaking through the elements including a snake, toucan, leopard, flamingo, deer, alligator, and others with a blue river peaking through.

Jungle Tales

Horacio Quiroga

Jeff Zorrilla (Translator)

Bert van Wijk (Illustrator)

Jungle Tales. Horacio Quiroga. Translated by Jeff Zorrilla. Illustrated by Bert van Wijk. Brigham Distributing, 2013, c2012. Originally published as Cuentos de la Selva in Spanish, in Argentina, in 1918. ISBN 9780615708072. 87 p. (Ages 9-11). Fiction.

Cover for Written and Drawn by Henrietta featuring an illustration of a young girl at a table with a cat looking up at her from behind her while she draws crayon-like cartoonish drawings on a giant piece of paper. The book's title is also stylized like a child's crayon drawing.

Written and Drawn by Henrietta

Ricardo Liniers

Written and Drawn by Henrietta. Ricardo Liniers. Translated by the author. TOON Books, 2015. Also available in Spanish as Escrito y dibujado por Enriqueta. ISBN 9781935179900. 64 p. (Ages 5-7). Early chapter book.

Cover for Ways to Make Friends featuring an illustration of a group of friendly looking animals that seem to be having a meeting in a forest setting. Their holding up signs which have the title and authors written on them. The colors on the cover are pastel and the background is light green.

Ways to Make Friends

Jairo Buitrago

Elisa Amado (Translator)

Mariana Ruiz Johnson (Illustrator)

Ways to Make Friends. Jairo Buitrago. Translated by Elisa Amado. Illustrated by Mariana Ruiz Johnson. Greystone Kids, 2022. Originally published as Formas de hacer amigos in Spanish by Leetra Final, in Mexico City, in 2021. ISBN 9781771649759. 40 p. (Ages 4-7). Picture book.

Cover for The Sea-Ringed World featuring an illustration of four whales with human-like faces with white flourishes emerging from their face back towards their tales. The water around them is a textured blue and black and along the left side of the cover is a rainbow border that appears to be woven and photo-realistic.

The Sea-Ringed World: Sacred Stories of the Americas

María García Esperón

David Bowles (Translator)

Amanda Mijangos (Illustrator)

The Sea-Ringed World: Sacred Stories of the Americas. María García Esperón. Translated by David Bowles. Illustrated by Amanda Mijangos. Levine Querido, 2021. Originally published as Diccionario de mitos de América by Ediciones El Naranjo, Mexico City, Mexico, in 2018. ISBN 9781646140152. 240 p. (Ages 8-14). Nonfiction.

Cover for Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War featuring an illustration of a young girl in a school unfirom with a bucket at her feet appearing to be cleaning a chalkboard. There is a yellow border along the left side of the cover and the title appears to be written in chalk.

Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War

Mónica Montañés

Lawrence Schimel

Eva Sánchez Gómez (Illustrator)

Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War. Mónica Montañés. Translated by Lawrence Schimel. Illustrated by Eva Sánchez Gómez. Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2022. Originally published as Los distintos by Ediciones Ekaré in Barcelona, Spain, in 2020. ISBN 9780802855985. 88 p. (Ages 9-14). Fiction.

El Salvador
Cover for Guacamole featuring an illustration of an avocado with a window with a bird perched on it in the avocado with three children looking out of it. There are limes and a bowl with a red floral pattern filled with cilantro next to the avocado on a table with a red picnic tablecloth on it. The illustration os surrounded by a circled frame with two pieces of tape appearing to adjoin it to the cover which is a gradient of teal hues. There is a dark green line bordering the entire cover outside of those elements.

Guacamole: A Cooking Poem

Jorge Argueta

Elisa Amado

Margarita Sada (Illustrator)

Guacamole: Un poema para cocinar /A Cooking Poem (Bilingual Cooking Poems). Jorge Argueta. Translated from the Spanish by Elisa Amado. Illustrated by Margarita Sada. Groundwood Books/Libros Tigrillo/House of Anansi Press, 2016, c2012. ISBN 9781554988884. 32 p. (Ages 5-8). Poetry.

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