Tag: War


Cover for When the Spring Comes to the DMZ featuring an illustration of a series of animal groups such as wild pig and birds in what appears to be a junkyard in the foreground and a child and their older relative walking together in the background.

When Spring Comes to the DMZ

Lee Uk-Bae

Chungyon Won and Aileen Won (Translators)

Lee Uk-Bae (Illustrator)

When Spring Comes to the DMZ. Lee Uk-Bae. Translated by Chungyon Won and Aileen Won. lllustrated by Lee Uk-Bae. Plough Publishing House, 2019. Originally published in Korean. ISBN 978-0874869729. 40p. (Ages 5-8). Picture book.

The Middle East & North Africa

Cover of Sitti's Bird: A Gaza Story featuring an illustration of a girl with rosy stylized cheeks and birds above her with cards in their mouths on a dark and starry blue purple background.

Sitti's Bird: A Gaza Story

Malak Mattar

Sitti’s Bird: A Gaza Story. Malak Mattar. Translated by Interlink staff. Crocodile Books, 2022. ISBN 9781623718251. 32 p. (Ages 4-8). Picture book.

Cover of Wild Poppies featuring a large vibrant orange poppy illustration on a black background with two school age boys, one with a backpack on, illustrated within the poppy's petals on either side facing away from each other.

Wild Poppies

Haya Saleh

Wild Poppies. Haya Saleh. Translated by M. Lynx Qualey. Levine Querido, 2023. Originally published as شقائق النعمان in Arabic by Dar al-Yasmine in Amman. ISBN 9781646142019. 178 p. (Ages 10-14). Fiction.

Latin America

Cover for Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War featuring an illustration of a young girl in a school unfirom with a bucket at her feet appearing to be cleaning a chalkboard. There is a yellow border along the left side of the cover and the title appears to be written in chalk.

Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War

Mónica Montañés

Lawrence Schimel

Eva Sánchez Gómez (Illustrator)

Different: A Story of the Spanish Civil War. Mónica Montañés. Translated by Lawrence Schimel. Illustrated by Eva Sánchez Gómez. Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2022. Originally published as Los distintos by Ediciones Ekaré in Barcelona, Spain, in 2020. ISBN 9780802855985. 88 p. (Ages 9-14). Fiction.

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